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St. Andrew’s has a proud history of diversity, but our commitment to DE&I extends beyond the wide ranging composition of our community. Boasting a community where belonging is experienced by everyone is what makes us most proud.

Diversity speaks to the variety of identities held by members of the community. Safeguarding equity is a must to ensure every student receives what they need as an individual to experience success. Inclusion sees to it that every member of the community has access to the same opportunities and is intentionally engaged with consideration for their identity. Fortifying belonging, however, is when everyone feels as though they can be their authentic selves within a community.

Belonging speaks to a student’s ability to be who they are, see elements of their identity reflected in their lived experience as a community member and feel both embraced and valued for their uniqueness. Ensuring a sense of belonging for all students is the primary goal for the office of diversity, equity and inclusion.

St. Andrew's DEI Mission Statement: "At St. Andrew’s, we recognize and value individuality to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment. We honor differences, learn from varied experiences and perspectives, and safeguard equity while also fortifying belonging community-wide."

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