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College Guidance

A Personal Approach

In a highly personal approach, the College Counseling office at St. Andrew's School assists each student and their family to navigate the college application process.

Considering the interests, abilities, and desires of the student, our college counselor helps students research best fit colleges and universities.

In addition to attending parent information sessions and receiving our college planning newsletters, families and students may make appointments with the college counselor at any time. Beginning in ninth grade, our college counselor is in regular touch with students and families to prepare them for and guide them through the college application process.

Our goal is successful placement at a school where the student will continue to thrive.

Family Connection

Families also have access to a comprehensive online resource, Family Connection. Family Connection is linked with Naviance, a service that St. Andrew's utilizes to manage the college application process. Naviance also allows the tracking and analyzing of data about college and career plans and provides up-to-date information that is specific to the School and its students.

Family Connection allows St. Andrew's students to:

  • Get involved in the planning and advising process — build a resume, complete online surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about their future.
  • Prepare for standardized tests — tailored, online test preparation for the SAT and the ACT is available through the Prep Me portal.
  • Research colleges — compare GPAs, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from St. Andrew's students who have applied and been admitted in the past.
  • Research careers — research hundreds of careers and career clusters, and take career assessments.

Family Connection also lets us share information with you about upcoming meetings, college representatives visiting campus, events, local scholarship opportunities, and other resources for college and career information.
